Man Convicted In Garage Beatdown Up For Sentencing — Niccolo Manzanero, the Burtonsville man convicted in May of attempted second degree murder, is set for sentencing on Monday. Manzanero faces up to 30 years in prison for taking part in the brutal beating of a man in 2013 in the St Elmo/Cordell Avenue parking garage.
Long Wait Ahead For Metro Escalator Fixes — Metro now says it will start the replacement project of the three long escalators at the Bethesda Metro station in late fall. That project will take two-and-a-half years, but it won’t start until Metro finishes work on the two short escalators that go from the staton’s mezzanine to platform. That project is supposed to be done by Sept. 30, but Metro projects routinely run longer than posted return to service dates. [The Gazette]
Washington Gas Gets Approval To Build Tower — Washington Gas plans to build a 145-foot tall communications tower at its Nebel Street facility on the edge of White Flint. The utility company announced the plans last year, but just recently got approval from Montgomery County. Washington Gas says the tower, made of galvanized steel, will strengthen its own communication system. [Friends of White Flint]
AARP Offering ‘Smart Driver Course’ — The AARP is offering a Smart Driver course at Davis Library (6400 Democracy Blvd.) to help “tune up driving skills, learn safe driving strategies and update knowledge of the rules of the road.” The course will also provide info about age-related physical changes. It’s scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 9. [Montgomery County]
Flickr photo by ehpien