The latest 2nd District crime summary from Montgomery County Police:
Four thefts from vehicles occurred during this reporting period. Entry was both forced and unforced. Incidents occurred on Taylor Street and Ross Road in Chevy Chase and on 16th Street in Silver Spring. Items targeted included: cash, rims, tires, radios, a purse, a cell phone and a tv.
A theft occurred in the 7200 block of Woodmont Avenue in Bethesda on Monday, 7/14 between 4:00 p.m. and 3:45 p.m. The suspect obtained property from the victim.
A sexual offense occurred in the 4900 block of Fairmont Avenue in Bethesda on Thursday, 7/17 during the afternoon hours. The suspect is known to the victim
A strong-arm robbery occurred in the 5200 block of Wapakoneta Road in Bethesda on Friday, 7/18 at 3:15 p.m. The suspect assaulted the victim and obtained property.
Suspect: B/M, 6′, bald
A commercial burglary occurred at the Exxon located at 6729 Goldsboro Road in Bethesda on Monday, 7/14 between 3:20 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Unknown entry; property taken.
An attempted commercial burglary occurred in the 4500 block of Sangamore Road in Bethesda on Wednesday, 7/16 at approximately 8:15 p.m. Attempted forced entry; nothing taken.
A commercial burglary occurred at Tilden Pool, 6806 Tilden Lane in Rockville overnight between Thursday, 7/17 and Friday, 7/18. Forced entry; vandalism occurred.
A sex assault occurred in the 7400 block of Westlake Terrace in Bethesda on Wednesday, 7/16 at an unknown time. The suspect is known to the victim.
Six thefts from vehicles occurred in this beat during this reporting period. All incidents involved unsecured vehicles. Two incidents occurred at Congressional Country Club, 8500 River Road in Bethesda.