The latest in crime from the most recent Montgomery County Police 2nd District crime summary:
An aggravated assault occurred in the 7600 block of Maple Avenue in Bethesda on Sunday, 7/13 at 10:30 p.m. The suspect is known to the victim.
Arrested: Male, age 39, from Bethesda
A commercial burglary occurred at 4825 Bethesda Avenue in Bethesda overnight between Monday, 7/7 and Tuesday, 7/8. Forced entry; nothing taken.
A commercial burglary occurred at 4350 East West Highway in Bethesda sometime between Tuesday, 7/8 and Thursday, 7/10. Forced entry; property taken.
A commercial burglary occurred at 4720 Montgomery Lane in Bethesda between Friday, 7/11 and Sunday, 7/13. Forced entry; property taken.
A residential burglary occurred in the 8800 block of Altimont Lane in Chevy Chase on Thursday, 7/10 between 1:10 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Forced entry; nothing taken.
A theft from vehicle occurred at 8710 Brookville Road in Chevy Chase on Monday, 7/14. Vehicles were taken from a vehicle.
An aggravated assault occurred in the 10800 block of Hampton Mill Terrace in North Bethesda on Saturday, 7/12 at approximately 4:30 p.m. The suspects are known to the victim.
A commercial burglary occurred at the Exxon located at 6729 Goldsboro Road in Bethesda on Monday, 7/14 at approximately 6:00 a.m. No further information is available at this time.
Nine thefts from vehicles occurred in the beat during this reporting period. Most incidents occurred near Little Falls Park in Bethesda (off of Massachusetts Avenue). Incidents occurred primarily during the overnight hours and all involved unforced entry. Cash, GPS units, iPods, and glasses were taken.
A residential burglary occurred in the 7600 block of Carteret Road in Bethesda overnight between Friday, 7/11 and Saturday, 7/12. Forced entry; property taken.
A residential burglary occurred in the 7300 block of Millwood Road in Bethesda sometime between Saturday, 7/12 and Sunday, 7/13. No forced entry; property taken.
A residential burglary occurred in the 8900 block of Charred Oak Drive in Bethesda sometime between Friday, 7/11 and Saturday, 7/12. No forced entry; property taken.
A residential burglary occurred in the 10600 block of Democracy Boulevard in Bethesda on Monday, 7/14 between 12:20 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Forced entry; property taken.
Four thefts from vehicles occurred in the 8500 block of River Road in Bethesda. During the daytime hours on Saturday, 7/12, entry was gained into four unlocked vehicles parked at Congressional Country Club. Laptops and wallets left inside were taken.