Montgomery County Is Tech Savvy, Says Group — The Public Technology Institute has designated Montgomery County as a “Tech Savvy County in 2014.” The Institute looks at local government performance in cybersecurity, commitment to green technology, performance management and other measures. Montgomery County was one of four local governments in the country and the only county in Maryland to be designated tech savvy. [Montgomery County]
White Flint Project Faces Long Wait — Gables White Flint, a series of apartments planned for just north of Wall Park and the Shriver Aquatic Center, faces a long wait as the county continues to work toward a reshaped street grid. The project also depends on a large parking garage to be shared by residents and users of the Aquatic Center and future Wall Park. The county didn’t include money for that project in the current six-year capital budget. [Friends of White Flint]
Tax Free Week — The week before the first day of the public school year will once again be a tax free shopping week for apparel and footwear less than $100. Shop Maryland tax-free Week will run from Sunday, Aug. 10 to Saturday, Aug. 16. [Comptroller of Maryland]
Flickr photo by ehpien