Got A Flat Tire? Bethesda Fire Station #6 Can Help

July 22, 2014 12:55 p.m.

The crew on Monday at Bethesda Fire Station #6 added emergency car maintenance to its daily fire and rescue duties.

According to Bill Delaney, who manages the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service blog, a group of MCFRS employees noticed a senior resident who got a flat tire just across the street from the station on the corner of Bradley Boulevard and Wisconsin Avenue.

Rather than watch the resident struggle to get the tire fixed or car towed in the middle of a busy street, the crew rolled the car into the station driveway and installed a spare tire.

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“While not a situation they normally handle the crew felt it important to help, promptly changed the tire, and got the driver safely on their way,” Delaney wrote.

Photo via MCFRS

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