Weekly Crime Report: June 30 to July 8

July 18, 2014 11:10 a.m.

The most recent 2nd District crime summary includes more thefts from vehicles, an attempted burglary of a dental clinic and an assault involving suspects throwing rocks:
An attempted commercial burglary occurred at Kazemi Oral Surgery Practice, 4825 Bethesda Avenue in Bethesda overnight between Monday, 7/7 and Tuesday, 7/8. Attempted forced entry; nothing taken.

Two thefts from vehicles occurred in the 3200 block of Flushing Meadow Terrace in Chevy Chase during the early morning hours of Monday, 6/30. No forced entry; loose cash and other small items were removed.

An aggravated assault occurred in the 5800 block of Nicholson Lane in North Bethesda on Sunday, 7/6 at approximately 1:30 a.m. The suspects were throwing rocks.

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A sex assault occurred in the 5700 block of Grosvenor Lane in Bethesda on Tuesday, 7/1. The suspect is known to the victim.

A residential burglary occurred in the 5300 block of Elliott Road in Bethesda sometime between Wednesday, 7/2 and Friday, 7/4. A bicycle was taken from an open garage.

A theft occurred in the 5500 block of Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda on Thursday, 7/1 between noon and 12:30 p.m. Property was taken from the victim.

Suspect: B/M, older, thinner; B/M, younger, heavier 

Nine thefts from vehicles occurred in the Westmoreland Hills area of Bethesda. Incidents occurred primarily during the overnight hours and all involved no force methods of entry. No suspects were noted at any of these events; cash, GPS units, DVD players, and glasses were reported taken.

Face of the Week

Six thefts from vehicles occurred, primarily in the Greentree/Wyngate neighborhood in Bethesda. Four incidents occurred overnight between Thursday, 7/3 and Friday, 7/4 and the other two occurred overnight between Sunday, 7/6 and Monday, 7/6. No forced entry; cash, GPS units, and glasses were reported taken.

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