Bethesda Farm Women’s Market Announces More New Food Vendors

July 17, 2014 11:15 a.m.

Corned Beef King won’t be the only new food vendor at the historic Bethesda Farm Women’s Market.

As we reported in June, the Market (7155 Wisconsin Ave.) is retooling its Friday flea market with a more food-centric approach.

The new outside portion of the Friday Market will feature El Tenedor De Nacho, a Montgomery Village based empanada and Bolivian catering service, Kiwi Kuisine and Borekg.

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Kiwi Kuisine will come from Alexandria, where a former rugby player in New Zealand has created a farmers market favorite for sausage rolls and meat pies. Borekg sells sweet and savory pastries, vegetarioan borek, baklava and hummus.

Inside the Market building will be Maria’s India Garden Express and a number of other vendors. New craft vendors will include Damascus resident Mark Moxley’s Wooden Bowls & Boards. The Farm Market also says new seafood and meat vendors will be coming in August.

The new Friday Market is set to run from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. each Friday until Nov. 28. Corned Beef King, which opened permanently at the market on Saturday, and fixture Hardy’s BBQ will remain at the Market throughout the week.

Photo via Kiwi Kuisine

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