Streetsense Hosting Millennial Downtown Plan Event – Local marketing and development firm Streetsense is partnering with The JBG Companies and Clark Construction to put on a happy hour for 21-35 year olds on Wednesday. The event is geared toward people who work or live in Bethesda to try to get their input about how they would like to see Bethesda developed. Local food vendors like Cava, Sweetgreen, &Pizza and Shophouse will be offering food. Beer will also be served. The event takes place at Streetsense’s offices at 3 Bethesda Metro from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday.
Nice Weather Expected – Monday and Tuesday may be rough, but after that it appears like it’s going to be a beautiful week in the Bethesda area, according to the National Weather Service. Today there’s a possibility of thunderstorms after 10 a.m., with a high near 91. Some storm systems could produce heavy rain tonight. Rain is likely again Tuesday, mostly after 2 p.m., according to NWS. The high Tuesday is expected to be near 87. After those two tumultuous days, things should calm down. The weather service predicts the rest of the week to be mostly sunny with highs in the mid-80s and nighttime lows in the 60s.
“Bethesda” Premieres at Captial Fringe Festival – The Capital Fringe Festival kicked off over the weekend and one of the plays showing during the two-week festival is called “Bethesda.” It’s about a disgraced American diplomat who returns to DC only to find his family falling apart. The play received a five star review from DC Metro Theater Arts. The reviewer wrote, “If you’ve been in this town for longer than six months, this is a not to be missed treat. Beyond the in-jokes, it’s a solid play and a perfect study of family drama and resilience.” The play has four more shows at the Goethe Institute Gallery (812 7th Street NW, DC), with the last being on July 26. You can buy tickets here ($17).
Douglas Development to Detail Ranger Surplus Plans – The DC-based developer has scheduled a community meeting at 7 p.m. at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center to discuss its plan for the 8000 block of Wisconsin Avenue, which includes the former Ranger Surplus and a dry cleaners.