A major redevelopment of the garden apartments on Chevy Chase Lake Drive could bring more than four times the current amount of residences to the site.
The development hits the planning board about one year after the county approved the Chevy Chase Lake Sector Plan, which opened up the area for increased development in anticipation of the Purple Line being constructed through the area.
The Montgomery County Housing Opportunity Commission (HOC) is proposing to build 329 residential units at the current site of 68 garden apartments on Chevy Chase Lake Drive just east of Connecticut Avenue. HOC is working with EYA Development, a regional residential developer, on the project.
The plan is to develop four of the HOC’s lots. One lot would be for a new 177,833 square foot multi-family building consisting of about 175 apartments, while the other three lots would comprise 70 townhouses taking up about 211,000 square feet. The multi-family building would be about 100 feet high, while the townhouses would be about 50 feet. A below-grade parking garage is planned for the building while the townhouses are proposed to have two-car garages.
A ½ acre park with sidewalks, benches and a play area is planned for the project. The park would be located between the multi-family building and the townhouses.
The multi-family building is required to have at least 20 percent of its units moderately priced (at or below 60 percent of the area’s median income), while 15 percent of the townhomes must be moderately priced, according to the sector plan.
Planning staff wrote that they approved the plan because it brings needed affordable housing to the area, that the size of the buildings conforms to the sector plan and that it fits with the sector plan’s goal to encourage residential development near mass transit.
However, staff did point out the proposal conflicts with Montgomery County Code, which only allows up to 200 residential units on roads with less than 70 feet of right-of-way. Chevy Chase Lake Drive only has 60 feet of public right-of-way, so planners wrote that “additional right-of-way dedication may be required along the Chevy Chase Lake Drive frontage.”
The sketch plan is scheduled to be reviewed by the Planning Board on July 24.