Frosh Gets Endorsement From Bloomberg – New York City Mayor and gun control proponent Michael Bloomberg endorsed D-16 State Sen. Brian Frosh in Frosh’s bid for Maryland Attorney General, according to the Washington Post. Bloomberg’s term as mayor ends in a few weeks. He is co-chairman of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and has contributed big money in his push for tighter gun control legislation.
Bloomberg praised Frosh for his role in moving along new gun control legislation in Maryland earlier this year. The laws went into effect in October. Frosh proposed strict gun control legislation after the Newtown shooting. As chair of the State Senate’s Judicial Proceedings Committee he also helped the modified legislation pass despite some staunch opposition.
“Reducing gun violence in America is a moral and social imperative,” Bloomberg said in a statement. “No one has done more in Maryland than Brian Frosh to lead the fight against illegal guns and protect citizens from incidents of gun violence.”
“I’m honored to have Mayor Bloomberg’s support,” Frosh said. “His efforts to prevent gun violence have been an example for the nation, and we believe that Maryland’s new law will save thousands of lives.”
Jamgochian Talks Pepco Rate Increase Request – D-16 delegate candidate Hrant Jamgochian testified against the last Pepco rate increase request and today he came out against the most recent one. Jamgochian announced his support of Powerupmontco’s petition to intervene in the case, in which the electricity company is asking the Maryland Public Service Commission for a $43.3 million rate hike.
“When my late father-in-law lived with my wife and me, he was put on a permanent oxygen machine that he often needed in order to breathe. Service reliability is a real issue that has very serious consequences for Marylanders, especially for our seniors and those who rely on life-saving medical technology,” Jamgochian said in a statement. “Instead of lobbying for a fresh rate increase, Pepco needs to reassess its priorities and work to ensure we have increased service reliability, shorter and less frequent outages, more rapid downed wire repair for homes in risk and greater proactive tree trimming.”
Jamgochian also said he supports a repeat effort from Del. Al Carr for legislation that would provide compensation to groups that intervene in rate cases. The idea is that more of the public would be able to participate in a legal process “where utility companies have the ability to greatly outspend the vast majority of consumers on legal fees.” The legislation did not pass in this year’s General Assembly. Carr plans to try again in January.
News and Notes – Delegate candidate Jordan Cooper said he has campaign contributions from more than 300 unique individuals and he has knocked on more than 5,000 doors. …Delegate candidate Marc Korman says he’s been canvassing too, enough to be deemed crazy by some voters. …With three weeks until the Jan. 8 deadline for the first campaign contribution report, Doug Duncan sent an email to supporters reporting he’s about $10,000 shy of the campaign’s online contribution goal. Duncan is running for his old county executive job.
Flickr photo by mdfriendofhillary