Hospice Caring Celebrates New Children’s Garden and Rose Garden

Theatrical performances and afternoon tea help mark the occasion

On October 1, Hospice Caring celebrated their new Children’s Garden and Rose Garden with an indoor theatrical performance by Mary Ann Jung as Queen Elizabeth, launch of the Hospice Caring Gardens Catalogue, and Afternoon Tea provided by Tranquil Traditions at the Hospice Caring Cottage in Gaithersburg.

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth Tudor I of England, as portrayed by Mary Ann Jung, took us on a royal romp through the less serious aspects of life in her era. Her show featured an insider’s look at Renaissance food, clothing, pastimes, manners, and dancing. Maggi Root, a long time supporter of Hospice Caring, was knighted by the Queen to be Dame Maggi Duchess of Silver Spring.

The Hospice Caring Gardens Catalogue was launched to give everyone the opportunity to sponsor items (i.e. butterfly houses, sculptures, plants, signage), or to provide support for the general upkeep of the beautiful Cottage grounds.

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