Chevy Chase Village Filed Formal Complaint Over Mail Delivery Issues

Late-night mail delivery in Chevy Chase Village has been an issue for more than just this week, even prompting the manager of the town to send a formal complaint to the U.S Postal Service about performance issues.

Shana Davis-Cook said she sent the complaint several weeks ago because of complaints from residents, delivery issues to the Village Hall and concerns from Village police about the safety of a postal clerk who had been seen delivering mail well into the night.

Davis-Cook said she met with the interim manager of the area’s delivery clerks, who said he would make personnel changes that would result in better service.

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On Monday, multiple residents reported getting their mail delivered at 10 p.m. The Chevy Chase Village listserv includes stories from a number of residents about increasingly late mail deliveries, which most said they realized was a minor inconvenience.

Davis-Cook said she was troubled to see comments that indicated the situation has worsened. She emailed the interim manager again and was told “a clerk with whom they had been having issues was now gone,” and the late deliveries were because other carriers had to split her route.

The interim manager said he requested carriers deliver to the Chevy Chase Village neighborhood first, before 2 p.m.

Davis-Cook said within a few hours of receiving the first email, she got a follow-up from the new manager for the area:
Ms. Davis-Cook,

I am the new Manager, Post Office Operations for 206/207/208.  First of all, please allow me to apologize to you and our customers at Chevy Chase Village for the late mail delivery you have received.  This is not the level of service you expect from us.

Face of the Week

I am in the process of realigning jobs and hiring additional personnel to meet the needs of the Bethesda [which includes Chevy Chase] area…please feel free to contact me at any time.

Le Gretta “GP” Ross-Rawlins

Manager, Post Office Operations, 206/207/208 (A)
“it is evident that there are personnel issues and changes that are occurring within the Postal Service and this begins at the management level,” Davis-Cook wrote to Village residents.

On Tuesday, USPS spokesperson Laura Dvorak told us the 10 p.m. delivery was an anomaly and should not happen again. She said adjustments are made to routes based on volume, service needs and other factors as necessary.

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