Honest Tea President Seth Goldman will be at the Barnes & Noble in Bethesda on Sept. 12 to talk about his new book on the creation and growth of his company.
“Mission In A Bottle,” from Goldman and Honest Tea co-founder Barry Nalebuff takes a graphic novel approach to detailing the origins of the Honest Tea business.
Goldman and Nalebuff, who Goldman had as a professor at Yale, founded the company out of Goldman’s Bethesda home in 1998. They started selling teas at Fresh Fields, now Whole Foods that year. They launched the first organic bottled tea the next year and the first Fair Trade certified bottled tea in 2003.
In 2008, the Coca-Cola Company bought 40 percent of the company. In 2011, Coca Cola bought the entire company.
Now, Honest Tea products are carried in more than 100,000 outlets. The company’s headquarters remain in Bethesda, on Bethesda Avenue.
So Goldman won’t have far to go when he talks up his book at Barnes & Noble (4801 Bethesda Ave.) in a meet the author event set for 7 p.m. on Sept. 12.
The book chronicles how Goldman’s passion for a natural tea product and Nalebuff’s economic theory worked to help create the Honest Tea brand. The book trailer above describes it as “a guide for building a mission-driven business in a profit-driven world.”
Video via Barry Nalebuff