Morning Notes

Strathmore, Federal Realty Announce Music Venue For Pike & Rose – The music hall near the Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro and the developer of the Pike & Rose project at Mid-Pike Plaza made the announcement on Saturday. The yet-to-be-named venue is set for 250 seats and weekend shows. Expect more information later today from Strathmore. [Bethesda Magazine]

Hot Tear-Down Market Often Leads To Grandma’s House – The majority of tear-down projects in Montgomery County happen in Bethesda, and as many as 40 percent of those projects start with purchasing a World War II-era suburban home from a retiree or from those who recently died. [Washington Post]

Jury Finds Man Accused Of Home Invasion, Sexual Assault Guilty – A jury found Kevin Darnell Ray guilty of forcing a housekeeper by gunpoint into a Bethesda home, where he tied up those inside the house and sexually assaulted the housekeeper. [WTOP]

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Three Candidates Want Spot On Planning Board – Planning Board Commissioner Marye Wells-Harley, whose four-year term is up in June, has two challengers for her spot on the five-member Planning Board. [The Gazette]

Flickr photo by Paul Spring

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