Morning Notes

April 9, 2013 9:30 a.m.

Street Sweeping Set For Downtown – The county’s annual street sweeping program will hit downtown Bethesda roads starting later this week through next Tuesday, according to signs posted on Woodmont Avenue on Monday. For the full schedule, check the county’s street sweeping route map and schedule. [Montgomery County Department of Transportation]

House of Delegates Approves Lockheed Hotel Tax Exemption Bill – Mirroring the vast State Senate support of the proposal, the House of Delegates yesterday approved a hotel/motel tax exemption for Lockheed Martin’s training center and hotel in Bethesda with a landslide vote. Del. Bill Frick (D-Dist. 16) voted against the exemption despite his earlier support for the measure, which was blocked at the county government level by the Montgomery County Council. [Maryland Juice]

Rebuilding Together Honors Brewer – The nonprofit that helps repair old homes so low-income homeowners can remain in them honored land-use attorney and philanthropist Robby Brewer at an event last week. [Bethesda Magazine]

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Council Budget Hearings Start Today – Today’s County Council session will include the first of five scheduled public hearings over the next three days on County Executive Isiah Leggett’s proposed FY 14 budget. The first hearing is today at 7 p.m. All hearings are in the Council Office Building’s Third Floor Hearing Room in Rockville. [Montgomery County Council]

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