Examiner Editorial: Do Away With Rockville Pike ‘Death Lane’ – The ever provocative Washington Examiner editorial board yesterday came out against the State Highway Administration’s proposed extra lane for Rockville Pike at Cedar Lane. The Board labeled it a “death lane,” because an independent traffic analyst hired by residents against the project concluded it would cause safety issues in a merge area. SHA officials at the March 19 meeting cited in the editorial denied that, saying the designed merge area is standard throughout the state and country. [Washington Examiner]
Walter Reed Cracking Down On Parking Restrictions – Military officers have been patrolling the entrance of the base’s 1,100-space patient garage to keep staff and visitors out so veterans have spots. [WTOP]
Bethesda Magazine Profiles Marc Elrich – One developer calls Elrich, the At-large councilmember from Takoma Park, “the most dangerous politician in Montgomery County,” and “basically anti-capitalist.” Elrich said he’d strongly consider running for county executive if County Executive Isiah Leggett decides not to run for another term. [Bethesda Magazine]