Morning Notes

March 6, 2013 8:15 a.m.

Follow Bethesda-Chevy Chase Snowstorm News All Day – We’ll keep you updated with photos, any closings, power outages and other news out of today’s expected snowstorm. [Bethesda Now]

County Issues Report On Leave Used By County Employees – The Office of Legislative Oversight found that overall, leave abuse by the about 6,800 employees in the county’s executive branch is infrequent. The report found that on average, employees are working 11 hours regular hours for every hour of overtime. Fire fighters were found to have taken the most leave and earned the most overtime. [The Gazette]

“From Here to There” Opens At Imagination Stage – An interactive kids play that creates a make-believe world to bridge together two actors will start its run this week at Imagination Stage (4908 Auburn Ave.). It will run to April 14. [Imagination Stage]

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Flickr photo by Rich Renomeron

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