MoCo Leaders To Celebrate Strong Nonprofit Sector

A new report shows that 10 percent of all workers in Montgomery County are employed by nonprofits, a mark leaders plan to celebrate on Monday.

There are more than 750 registered nonprofits in Bethesda alone, according to market research website Manta. They help create $2.2 billion in wages countywide, according to the report titled “Beyond Charity: Nonprofit Business in Montgomery County.”

County Executive Isiah Leggett (D), Council President Nancy Navarro (D-East County), Councilman George Leventhal (D-At large) of Takoma Park, and county Department of Economic Development director Steve Silverman and nonprofit representatives will hold a press gathering on Monday in Silver Spring to discuss the report.

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According to one nationwide study, the growth rate of the nonprofit sector surpassed the rate of the business and government sectors from 2001 to 2011, increasing by 25 percent to more than 1.5 million organizations.

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