MCFRS Rescues Elderly Woman From House Fire on Thursday Morning – The 90-year-old woman firefighters rescued Thursday morning from her home in the 7700 block of Glenmore Spring Way remained hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries last night. [Washington Post]
Bethesda Man Sentenced To Prison For Dealing Cocaine – A federal judge sentenced Xavier Eccleston, 35, to 17 and-a-half years in prison for conspiring to distribute powder and crack cocaine. [The Gazette]
Ledecky Swimming High School Meets, Helps School To League Title – Gold medal Olympian and Bethesda native Katie Ledecky helped her Stone Ridge School to its swim league title for the first time in 10 years. The 15-year-old fresh off her leap into the world spotlight last summer has become quite the draw at the high school meets. [Washington Post]
Flickr photo by Michael Adler2