Bethesda, Medical Center Metro Stations Closed This Weekend

October 17, 2012 11:00 a.m.

The Bethesda and Medical Center Metro stations will be closed this weekend for the second time in a 30-day span.

Buses will replace Red Line trains between Grosvenor and Friendship Heights from 10 p.m. on Friday through system closing on Sunday, WMATA says.

This weekend’s closing is for rail renewal, fastener replacement, grout pad rehabilitation and leak mitigation, according to the news release.

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Red Line trains will operate every 10 minutes between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and at regular weekend intervals at other times. Metro is advising riders to add 30 minutes of additional travel time.

Metro conducted the same maintenance work when it shut down the Bethesda and Medical Center stations on the weekend of Sept. 21 to Sept. 23.

Flickr photo by wepalm92

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